Loft Window Installation

Loft Window Installation, Repairs and Maintenance By Roofing Professionals.

Loft Window Installation

Looking to create more space in your home to use as another bedroom or maybe a “mancave”.  Our Loft Window Installation service could be just what you need?

If, like many of us your loft is full of bits and pieces that you have saved over the years then you have found your extra room. To justify using the loft as an extra room think about the fire hazard that you have created over time and realise that you need to get rid of the junk you have accumulated.

No matter what you decide to do light is required in your loft space, electric light is the obvious way of lighting the loft but natural light is far better and it costs less overall.

There are many types of windows made in a variety of materials such as PVC or wood. Roof windows can pivot in the middle or maybe you want a window that hangs from the top and because it can open wide could be used as an emergency exit from the house.

With windows in the loft it is in the interest of child safety that the window is restricted in how far it can open.

If you are having a loft extension built make sure that the windows you are ordering do what you want them to do, for example, open wide enough so you can step on to your balcony, spin round so that you can clean them and should you feel the need be able to have some form of security system fitted.

You really need a professional to fit your loft windows and The Roofing Company are the roofing experts you should speak to first.

We are available to help you plan what you require and to give good advice whether it is on the construction of your extension or which are the best windows for your loft space or loft extension.

Remember professionals like the Roofing Company will always give advice on the best windows to have installed because we are providing a great service and not selling a Brand Name.

Call us on 0203 3057924 or fill in our contact form to arrange a free roofing inspection

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